Friday, October 12, 2012


My cause for my collage is racism.  Racism is prejudice, discrimination or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.  There are people in some countries that are being treated very badly because of racism.  People have been killed because others have thought that people of a different race have no value or should not be treated equally to everyone else when we now know that everyone is equal.  We should also be treating people of different race just like we want to be treated.  I picked racism because it used to be very big back then but it still happens today in some countries or states.  I also picked it because racism has a lot of information on it, which gives me more of a variety of pictures to choose from.  I chose these pictures because they describe what racism is very well and that racism should stop everywhere in the world.  Another reason I chose this topic is because I have learned a lot about racism over my school years.  We as a developed country can have one of those messages from the government of Canada commercials.  In this commercial we can show an example of racism that is very bad to show people that it should not be happening and that it is terrible.  There are also campaigns out there that are fighting to stop racism. Canada could also make a law if they haven’t that people that show any signs of racism will be charged.  The people of Canada should know that racism is bad and that these campaigns should go to the US were there is probably more racism then Canada.

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